Clicking on any of the pictures will open them at full size in the browser window, which means you will have to use the 'back' button to return to the main pages, whereas clicking to the left or right of any picture will open them in a new window, if you fancy a closer look at any of the piccies we've posted! We've included a Google Earth satelite picture of our plots and this years planting plan at the bottom of the page, next to each other. If you choose the Earth view on the satelite image you can rotate the image until it is lined up with the planting plan, then use the arrows in the plan to scroll from Plot 2 to Plot 1.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Just back from the AGM, at Moss View Allotments, we are having our Plant Sale on Sunday the 20th May 2012, so it you need any fruit /veg or flower plants / seedlings, or fancy a delish cake, or even want to try (or buy) some of our honey, please pop along between 11am and 3pm

Ive been mad at work recently, very short staffed (1 vacancy and 1 off sick has meant a total of 63 hrs this week, but 3 days off now, so some serious plt time methinks :), but at least I am getting the hang of it and making inroads into the performance problems!

The plot is still behind plan, but we have a few weeks now to get it prepared, so weather permitting we should be able to get it sorted out, lots of seedlings at home, so we;ve no choice but to get it sorted asap! 

Had a new phone with a video camera on it, so going to try and record some video of the plot to share with you all, fingers crossed I can work it all out!

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