Clicking on any of the pictures will open them at full size in the browser window, which means you will have to use the 'back' button to return to the main pages, whereas clicking to the left or right of any picture will open them in a new window, if you fancy a closer look at any of the piccies we've posted! We've included a Google Earth satelite picture of our plots and this years planting plan at the bottom of the page, next to each other. If you choose the Earth view on the satelite image you can rotate the image until it is lined up with the planting plan, then use the arrows in the plan to scroll from Plot 2 to Plot 1.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Gorgeous day on the plot and a darn good sort out!

Today we were at the plot for 10am, and got back at about 8pm, a lovely hot, sunny day with a light refreshing breeze that kept us both from overheating, glorious! (Tho Mr D says I look like a Rock Lobster now, eek!)

The new plot has a homemade (very well made from marine plywood and well put together I must say) shed, which is roofed with clear corrugated plastic, and is about 16' by 5'. One half of it is the shed, about 8' wide with the door to the right front, and at the side of this is a 4' covered seating area (now being used for hardening off seedlings on the shelving unit, and next to this is a 5' by 5' glazed area, currently full of nettles, but which we are going to use for growing melons and cucumbers in! Along the front of the shed is a decked area about 3' wide running the length of the shed part, which also has a metal shelving unit on it, and growing up from the back corner and across the roof / front of the shed is a grapevine, which must span about 10'! Aswell as the shed there is also an 8' by 6' greenhouse, and 17 edged beds, along with a couple of fruit trees, several goosegogs and 3 blueberries. Theres 3 compost bins, lots of new netting and supports, lots of new fleece and black plastic, 2 chairs, a table and lots of pots too! There's also a couple of damaged wire netting cages to protect seedlings and some UPVC piping which is great for supporting mesh or fleece to protect cabbages etc from insects! Feels like we struck really lucky getting this plot!

Mr D continued digging over the beds on our new plot, whilst I sorted out the inside of the shed and had a darn good tidy up! It is now possible to see exactly what we've got and where it is, so should make it a bit easier to find things!

After this I hoed the onion and garlic bed, then set up the watering head on the hosepipe and turned it on to give everything a really good water, and also fed and watered inside the greenhouse after hoeing the weed seedlings in there!

Next I dismantled the 'heath robinson' coldframe on our other half plot (the one we will be giving up after harvesting the spuds) and brought all the bits back to the new plot to store away for future use, then pruned the grapevine thats growing across the front of the shed, I cant wait to see if we get any grapes from it this year! After doing this Mr D had manage to reach the halfway mark (the largest 7 beds are now dug over!) with the digging over of the beds on the new plot, so he stopped digging and came to help me!

Next we trimmed and fitted the cardboard bike boxes I recycled from work to fit the first 2 beds on the new plot, and transplanted the 10 courgettes that we'd planted on the half plot 2 weeks ago into here, using the cardboard as a mulch to supress weeds by cutting holes for the planting and sinking bottles into the soil next to the squashes and courgettes for watering. After that we fitted cardboard to one of the larger beds on the new plot and then transplanted the 15 assorted squash and pumpkins (that were planted out 2 weeks ago) from the half plot!

I did take some piccies of the new plot first thing this morning, but the 'puter had to be reset a few weeks ago, and its not now recognising the camera or the bluetooth link from my phone, so atm I am unable to download them, sorry!

I'm back at work tomorrow, but Mr D is off, so he's going to try and sort out the greenhouse (and the lean to glazed part on the shed) on the new plot tomorrow, before continuing with the digging ready for me to move the sweetcorn and squash bed, plus the 2 beds of onion sets from the half plot at the weekend!

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